About Us

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Our Story

At Becoming Well Therapy, our belief is that therapy is not as much about mental illness or a diagnosis as it is about self care, growth and your well being. We work to empower our clients as human beings, not treat them like a diagnosis or illness. We strive to help you uncover your unique set of gifts and tools already within you then empower you to use these to solve your problems and overcome challenges. Therapy with our providers will be an exploration of your experiences, emotions, thoughts, behaviors and relational patterns. 

In your therapy process, you and your therapist will assess what is working for you already, what fits, and what no longer serves you. Your therapist will serve as an objective guide to assist you in attaining your goals and overcoming the challenges in your path. It is our honor to witness your growth and change and make space for you to be your authentic self.

Our Philosophy

Our team of experienced and compassionate therapists and counselors are here to meet you on your path towards wellness. With various training and backgrounds there is a therapist on staff to fit your needs and help you reach your goals. You can find each counselors backgrounds below. We would love the honor our being a part of your journey.

Meet Our Team

Reach out to us today!

Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

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